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Indoor Africa Venture Company Limited was registered under the companies code, 1963(Act 179) on 5th August, 2014 and commenced business on 5th August, 2014 as a limited liability company.

Indoor Africa Venture Company Limited is certified by the Ministry of Roads and Highways and Ministry of Works and Housing.

The vision of the company is to become one of the leading construction companies in Ghana and West Africa to provide decent affordable housing to the general public.

The company's corporate aim is to strategically employ selected resources in order to create overtime economic value sufficient to recover all of the resources employed.

In addition, the company contributes innovation and creativity to it projects. To this end, it relies on the technological collaboration of leading companies in various sectors who cutting-edge and specific solutions for each client.

Because we believe that a company is not just about what it does, but how it does it is what matters. Because of poorly managed deadlines, an ill-considered choice of techniques and materials or makeshift construction process could counteract any project.

This is why it is fundamental for Indoor African Ventures Company Limited to offer a firm commitment to doing things right and in line with agreed deadline, together with the company's ability to construct all types of civil engineering works and building projects.